RailYatri cash is a RailYatri currency that is added in the Wallet through our various cash back offers. Cash backs are credited to your wallet, when you have availed any of our e-commerce services (such as Food, Bus or hotel booking services). With the RY cash, deposited in your wallet, you can make future purchases.
NOTE: Cashback recieved against any offer cannot be used for Train Ticket booking.
No, you cannot use this cash outside the RailYatri eco-system. The cash is supported for only the purchase of services available through RailYatri app.
RailYatri Reward points are provided to users when they contribute to the RailYatri community through their information or suggestion. We believe in gathering and accumulating crowd-sourced information for easing existing information-lags in train travel. Reward Points are our token of gratitude towards each user helping us attain that goal and making the app better.
It is simple, just be an active RailYatri user. You can earn Reward Points by passing us information regarding train travel and giving feedbacks regarding the app. Such information in the long run would help millions of train travellers. It will also help us provide better services to users.
NOTE: Points are only added after they are verified by our experts.
Reward points shown in the RailYatri app can be redeemed through purchases made in the Travel Store. They will give you significant discounts on our exciting range of travel products. They cannot be redeemed for any other e-commerce purchases.
RailYatri Cash, earned through our cash back offers, can only be used for e-commerce purchases (such as food, hotel or bus booking and not in train ticket booking), while Reward Points earned through your contribution to RailYatri Community, can be redeemed on purchases done only at Travel Store.
We can trace a user’s profile and the reward points associated with it through the email ID stated while installing the app. So, if you are re-installing the RailYatri app, make sure to use the same email ID as mentioned before. When you do so, we will be able to track the past reward points and reflect that in your app.
The Seat Availability feature helps in making the entire train travel easier and convenient. All that our users have to do is enter the Train number, the source and destination, the class and quota accompanied by the date of Journey. The app will tell the number of seats available for the waitlisted tickets and the chances of getting the confirmed tickets for the train they have desired.
Seat Availability forecasts the best train to take from the user’s source to the destination. It assist the user compare train schedules and make informed bookings on waitlisted tickets by checking the confirmation history on that train.
Seat Availability feature apprise the user about the number of tickets available in their desired train whereas the Confirmation Probability feature allows the user to select the train which has the highest probability of getting a confirmed ticket.
If the user is not being able to get the details of Seat Available in the desired train, there may be two reasons for it.
When you are travelling in trains across India one question often pricks in the mind: “where am I?” Though technology has advanced manifolds in the last few years, but tracking moving trains has still remained difficult for passengers. RailYatri app helps users track the exact location of the train, and not the last updated status.
Over the last few months we have received many mails seeking advice on our live train status mechanism. So,here we are, explaining the entire process.
Many users have written to us saying that they are not able to see the exact location of their train. The data they get is hours old. If you are searching for the Live Train status, without boarding the train then you will have to rely on last updated data. This data may be hours old. When we are unable to provide current train location we display the last updated time on app. You can get the exact live train status only if someone sitting within the train has allowed us to track exact location of the train.
You may see old live train data even when you are on the train. We can tell exact train location depending only on your GPS data. If the GPS feature is not turned on, we are bound to show you last updated train status, from where the train might have moved a long distance forward.
The simple way to know the accurate train running status and its location is to use our GPS Locator feature. It will allow us to track your exact location and show the upcoming stations, delay and other facts important for your route. The GPS data you provide us will make sure everyone searching for the live train status gets 90% accurate update. To use the GPS locator feature for current train location, use the following steps:
There are instances when users have to suffer this annoying message. But it is not our fault. There are certain belts along each train route where the Internet connectivity is either unavailable or very poor. In such situations, we are not able to fetch your GPS data resulting in the error message. But as user, so far you had no way to know about the network status. We have solved this issue in our latest version. In this version we have included a special feature known as “GPS Testing Utility”. With this feature, as soon as you turn on the GPS we will rate your GPS connectivity, Network connectivity, Location Source and Accuracy of Source as Good, Bad and Poor.
RailYatri’s model for live updates is crowd sourced data, so turn on your GPS feature next time you board a train and help us track your location accurately.
Confirmation Probablity means what is the chance of your ticket getting confirmed. So whether you have a waitlist PNR or trying to book a waitlist ticket, RailYatri's Confirmation Probablity tells you exactly what are the chances of this ticket getting confirmed. We categorise the waitlisted number into 3 categories - High, Medium, Low (using a confirmation probability algorithm). That helps you in knowing your chances of getting a confirmed ticket.
It is a Probability, not Assured. When it comes to data analytics no one can claim: 100% data accuracy. This is why we use the term “Probability”. We are trying to predict and make decision making for our users easy, with this feature. We try to be as close to accurate as possible.
PNR Confirmation Probability is provided to the users after a series of complex calculations based on historical data such as rush periods (rush along a route due to a festival, accident, etc.), highest waiting list ticket confirmed for the exact time last year, etc.
When the user gets high probability, for a waiting list ticket it is definitely well above the maximum waiting list confirmed bracket. Suppose, you are booking a ticket in the last week of April, and the waiting list for your preferred train is presently 57. We will run through historical data. If a ticket with waiting list 75 was the maximum confirmed during this time last year, we will rate your Confirmation Probability as High. With High ratings users can stay worry free.
If you are getting a waiting list of 70 (based on the above mentioned scenario), our app will rate your Confirmation Probability as Medium. Medium probability is shown when the waiting list count for your ticket might be confirmed at the point of travel, but there is an “if” factor. In such situations, the users can either risk their luck or book in another train.
Again, if you are getting a waiting list count of 90 (based on the above mentioned scenario), our historical data will recognize that chances of Confirmation are very low. Low probability means you should definitely book tickets in another train as your present waiting list status will not be confirmed.
Our PNR confirmation probability feature is 97% accurate. We have analyzed the predicted results and the end ticket status for thousands of users and most of the time it is accurate.
Though we have an approximate idea about the rush expected during specific times of the year and highest waiting list anticipated to be confirmed. But at the end rush may increase or decrease each year. There might be an accident, some special bookings or Indian Railways reservation policy changes which cannot be predicted.
Before we delve into describing what is RailWisdom™ - let us delve into some of the hypothesis we have considered -
Hypothesis No. 1: Discovery of real/helpful local travel information today is more driven by luck/chance.We believe that travel in India (and especially on a network like Indian Railways) entails useful knowledge which exists in the minds of travelers who have made it to a ‘place’ or used a ‘train’ or traversed a ‘route’ before. This knowledge till date exists in pockets/pieces and the discovery of it is more driven by chance (or by luck as some may want to refer to).
Hypothesis No. 2: Every real traveler has discovered/knows something special and unique .We believe that in each of us (aka – Yatri/Traveler) lives a way of knowing something special and unique information related to travel – and sometimes highly localized too – which exceeds far much than what exists in Travel Guides or Wikipedias of the World.
Hypothesis No. 3: Human Psychology makes travel insights filled with biases.We believe that thoughts of an individual can be limited, biased, or extreme. The acceptance of these individual thoughts by others requires an aggregation, contextualization, and identifying it with the whole picture – thus creating an unbiased collective intelligence/wisdom.
Hypothesis No. 4: Travel-related information exists everywhere. Key is to know if someone has used it.We believe that today’s travelers need both knowledge and wisdom. It is not just about knowing something special about a travel – but it is also about the experiences of someone who acted upon that knowledge. An accumulation of knowledge that comes reinforced with experience becomes Wisdom.
Hypothesis no. 5: Volume of travel content has grown exponentially – however travelers today deal in bits and bytes. Lack of context to this information makes it meaningless too.We believe that the sheer volume of travel information available to us through channels such as Search Engines, Knowledge-pedias, etc. is becoming overwhelming. Lack of this information’s association to the context of travel tends to override its value or certain times become meaningless.
Considering the above, RailWisdom™ is an enabler where
Our goal is to keep this Wisdom collection, aggregation, and distribution process in RailWisdom™ simple and tailored to the traveler’s needs. Our goal is not to overload the traveler with information barrage but provide short, succinct, and actionable wisdom which is contextualized to their location of interest. The underlying technology platform and support to RailWisdom™ is provided by RailYatri.in
For anyone who has traveled in India (especially using the Indian Railways network) know about the variability associated with each and every town/station/train in India. We do not have the uniform structure/facility/accessibility at our railway stations; or the uniform Yellow Cabs™ waiting outside our stations; or the same uniform McDonalds™ or Pizza Hut™ located in each and every of our towns.
Such variability brings in complexity from a traveler’s perspective; however also adds to the charm/expectations of the unexplored town or taking a new train. We believe that travelers are keen to know and be ready to experience these diversities. Variations also bring in possibilities. And these possibilities are sometimes best explained through the experiences of other travelers. We refer to such experiences as “Wisdom”.
RailWisdom™ is a collection of travel wisdom provided by the people by virtue of their experiences and delivered to other travelers using a technology medium (maps, mobile, etc.) in a location sensitive and contextualized manner.
As a traveler, you can use RailWisdom™ in two ways.
In both scenarios – you can also use RailWisdom™ to amplify or correct existing Wisdom from other fellow travelers based on your experience too.
The basic definition of Wisdom in the context of travel is knowledge gained through experience – something which others can make use of. We would like to believe that the value of Wisdom lies in the eyes of the beholder. For example, the Wisdom about booking a retiring room at the station when stranded for a delayed train can be enormous.
Here is what we have been recommending to Travelers who have added the Wisdom which are available on the site as of date –
Also – please read the FAQ related to meaning of various Wisdom categories. Once you add few Wisdom – you will get the hang of it.
To add Wisdom associated with a railway station, follow these steps.
Once we receive the wisdom, we will review the same for its applicability and appropriateness. We will also review the same for editorial correctness. Once reviewed, accepted and published – you will receive a post on your Facebook wall.
You may also want to review the following FAQs which are related to this question –
Wisdom related with a town needs to be associated with a railway station. This railway station could be the town specific or also can be one of the nearest station/railhead. Once you have determined the specific railway station, just follow the steps which are described in the question above.
Railway Stations in India are the main gateways for the more than 95% of travelers in India covering more than 80% of the country. Since the Wisdom on RailWisdom™ are targeted for travels in India – we believe associating the Wisdom of a city/town/village with its (or nearby) railway station would be the best way to add, collect or share the same. Also, our regular experience shows that majority of great things in a town are much closer to a railway station than possibly an airport.
Our belief is that if you have something important to share based on your travel experience, then that is good enough to be added as Wisdom. The value of your Wisdom will largely depend on the context of the reader who finds himself/herself in a situation like yours.
Our only pre-requisite for considering Wisdom is that it should have a long-term applicability and value. For example, news about a ‘bandh’ or temporary closures – while important from the traveler’s perspective – cannot be considered as wisdom because of its temporary value. However, a suggestion about the best way to get out of a railway station has a long term value and will be considered as Wisdom.
We expect your Wisdom length to be about 10-15 words or about 180 characters. Our belief is that keeping the Wisdom length shorter makes it succinct, to-the-point and actionable – something which most traveler desire today.
We are very interested in articulate Wisdom which we strongly believe can be helpful to at least one traveler out there. Our standards for acceptance are reflected in the Wisdom which are already published on RailWisdom™. We expect your Wisdom to follow those examples.
We expect that the Wisdom which you have gained from experience to be helpful to other traveler. For example – if you want to let others know about a great eating joint in a city, also tell your readers how to reach there from the railway station. If you want to warn others on a specific, also tell them what are the alternatives.
Few things which will not be tolerated in the form of Wisdom – personal attacks, obscenity, vulgarity, profanity (including expletives and letters followed by the dashes), self and commercial promotion, impersonations, incoherence, grievances, help-queries, religious and political overtones, etc.
Note that moderating decisions can be subjective. However, we will make them carefully and consistently as we can. We may occasionally choose to connect with you through your Facebook wall or email address for a follow-up question. RailYatri.in reserves the final rights on the decision associated with Wisdom.
Wisdom related with a location (town/city/village) is associated with a railway station. This railway station could be the town specific or also can be one of the nearest station/railhead. Once you have determined the specific railway station, on the RailWisdom™ page, select the radio button marked as “Station” and search for your station by its name or its station code. From the pre-populated select list which appears for your station, select the right station name. As you soon as you select the station, the map will automatically zoom to the location of the station. Clicking on the icon will open a new pop-up window on the map with all the Wisdom pertaining to that station.
On the RailWisdom™ page, select the radio button marked as “Train” and search for your train by its name or its train number. From the pre-populated select list which appears for your search criteria, select the right train. As you soon as you select the train, the route of the train will be plotted on the map. Click on the “start station” of the train, to see the Wisdom which has been added for this train.
First, reconfirm that you have the right attributes for your search. (either Station Name, Station Code, Train Name, or Train Number). There is also the possibility that no one has contributed anything till then for the Station or the Train. You can become the first to start adding new Wisdom for the same.
Anything and everything that can help a fellow traveler is considered Wisdom. We believe that allowing Wisdom to be added of limited categories only can be restrictive. However, categories are added for the ease of searching and filtering as and when needed.
The orange dots on the map represent the railway stations/cities for which at least one Wisdom has been added by a traveler.
Yes, the dots can get crowded in and around a specific area depending on the number of train station locations in that region. We recommend that you search for your station/town of interest directly using the Station Search functionality. If you are sure about the location of your town of interest, you can also do the same by zooming in or zooming out of the map (using the (+) or (-) icons)
Our copy editorial team frequently edits Wisdom text for correctness, comprehensibility, and making the text more search-friendly.
Your submitted Wisdom will go through a review, validation, and acceptance process which may take some time. Wisdom are typically posted faster during the business hours. Moderation can be less frequent in the evening and on weekends. However, if you need to get in touch with us, you can write to us at feedback [at] railyatri.in
It would be of great help for enhancing RailWisdom™ if you can point out such incorrect Wisdom. Simply click on “reply” image icon (seen on the bottom-right corner of the specific Wisdom); add your comments, and submit it. Note that a login using Facebook would be required for submitting a correction to existing Wisdom. We will review your Wisdom. Wisdom which is factually incorrect will be modified or removed. Wisdom which differs on subjective basis will not be modified and will remain attributed to the individual who added the same. We will leave it to the reader’s discretion to act upon a specific Wisdom.
RailWisdom™ Picks are a selection of Wisdom that are judged the most interesting and thoughtful from a traveler’s perspective. In some cases, RailWisdom™ Picks may be selected to highlight comments from a particular region or type or users with first-hand knowledge. Note that we may choose to highlight your name and credentials along with your Wisdom on various internet and mobile properties belonging to RailYatri.in. Wisdom with your name and location may also be used by media to highlight your Wisdom. However, we will not share your personal credentials beyond your name and location to third parties.
Requirement for Facebook login and app-acceptance are mandatory to add Wisdom for few reasons!
Please read the FAQ associated with RailYatri.in’s No-Spam Policy for Facebook.
Here is our Facebook No-Spam Policy –
We have a separate section related to Facebook/Social Media policy in our Terms and Conditions page. Kindly refer to the same frequently, as the guidelines are subject to change.
Currently we are only allowing users with valid Facebook accounts to add Wisdom on the site.
For the sake of consistency, information associated with any business or services added as Wisdom will be considered as promotion and hence will not be accepted. Exceptions are taken when any business/shop are recommended by an independent individual who has used the services of the business. However, we also realize that location-specific promotions associated with services of certain businesses (Taxi Services, Hotels & Rooms, Restaurant, Guides, Travel Packages, Bookings, etc.) do turn out to be useful for travelers. Write to us on feedback [at] railyatri.in and we will guide you on business promotion/advertisement opportunities available on our site.
If you are using data/information from RailWisdom™ which would be used in a reporting or an article – our PR group would love to hear from you. You can write to us at feedback [at] railyatri.in. We would be happy to share additional information with you and may be also help you with additional insights. Screenshots from RailWisdom™ can be used for free. In a regular manner, we would like the information gathered from RailWisdom™ to be attributed/ referenced to us. We would not acknowledge the validity of information/data which has not been socialized with our PR group
We have a simple, one click cancellation process for all food orders. You can cancel your order through the app as well as RailYatri's website.
NOTE: The onward refund process, for both these remains same.
After you send a cancel request, a ticket is raised and sent to our Refund Queue. The refund is initiated and processed soon after.
Yes. Your order can be cancelled, latest by, 3-4 hours before the time of delivery. The order can be cancelled either by through the RailYatri app or website.
In case you want to cancel the order within a shorter time gap (let's say 1 hour before or even less than that), then you are required to call at the number: 8137813700 and talk to our customer service representative.
You will receive a 100% refund of your amount in cases such as user instigated cancellations or missed delivery from the vendor side. In case, the order delivery fails because of the customer (customer’s absence from his/her seat OR cancellation request in last 30 minutes of the delivery), no refund would be provided.
Your refund can be processed in your RY wallet even if you have paid for your order through online banking or any other source, at your request. But, if you have paid through RY wallet, your refund will not be processed towards your bank account.
We have a simple, one click train ticket cancellation process. With just a click you can now cancel the ticket through the RailYatri app and website.
NOTE: If you have booked tickets through RailYatri app, you can also cancel them through the web and vice-versa.
Refund of money depends upon the mode of payment used while booking train tickets.
Payment done through online banking (Net banking, Debit/Credit card)
Once your cancellation is confirmed, we process your refund immediately. It then takes 5-7 working days for the money to reach your account.
Payment done through RailYatri Wallet or any other e-wallets
In case you have made payment through RY wallet, your money will be refunded instantly in your wallet. By instant we mean same working day/eod.
You can get your refund instantly by using our Instant Refund service. In this, your money would be refunded in your RailYatri Wallet or would be refunded through NEFT transfer. When you opt for Instant Refund, you will recieve your refund money within 24 hours of cancellation.
NOTE: RailYatri recommends for Instant Refund since bank's process take more than 5 days for the money to reach your account.
Tracking your refund is very easy with RailYatri. You can track your refund status both through RailYatri's app and web page
On ticket cancellation, standard cancellation charges will be applied on the paid amount (as per the IRCTC Refund and Cancellation Rules. In addition to this, we deduct a sum of Rs.20 as RailYatri service fee.
In such cases, an automatic refund is initiated within 24 hours. If you have any queries in such, you can always write to us at : [email protected]
Bus ticket cancellation through RailYatri is a simple, one click process. You can cancel your tickets through RailYatri's website or app.
NOTE: If you have booked tickets through RailYatri app, you can also cancel them through the web and vice-versa.
As soon as you cancel your ticket manually using the app/web platform, we initiate your refund and an e-mail/ SMS is sent to you. The refund time depends upon the mode of payment used while booking the tickets.
Payment done using Net Banking, Debit/Credit Card
If you have paid through any of the private banks or SBI/PNB, then it would take up to 5 working days for the refund to be reflected in your account. In case of other banks, it may take up to 10 working days.
Payment done through RailYatri Wallet or any other e-wallets
In case you booked your tickets using e-wallet, then your money will be refunded into your wallet instantly (within the working hours of the same day).
You can get your refund instantly by using our Instant Refund service. In this, your money would be refunded in your RailYatri Wallet or would be refunded through NEFT transfer. When you opt for Instant Refund, you will recieve your refund money within 24 hours of cancellation.
NOTE: RailYatri recommends for Instant Refund since bank's process take more than 5 days for the money to reach your account.
Tracking your refund is very easy with RailYatri. You can track your refund status both through RailYatri's app and web page
Through App:
Once you cancel your order/ticket, you will recieve notifications in your app regarding cancellation and refund initiation along with an e-mail. We would also be sending the Tracking ID, Transaction Reference Number and Contact Number of our payment gateway. You can track your status using the tracking details sent to you.
Through Web:
You can also track the status of your refund at : http://refunds.railyatri.in Type in your order id, order type and mobile number. Your refund status will be sent to you.
Cancellation fee and refund varies in accordance to the cancellation policies of different bus services and operators. RailYatri does not hold any authority in the policies of operators.
In such cases, a complete refund is made to the user within 10 working days but only after the confirmation of cancellation is received from the bus operator.
In such cases, the refund depends upon the situation as well as the refund policies of the bus operator.
In such cases, you need to e-mail us at [email protected]. Further, we would do the needful.
No such discounts that were availed at the time of booking will be applicable during cancellation and the cancellation charges will be calculated and deducted from the base fare/price of the ticket.
1) ऑनलाइन बैंकिंग सेवा की दशा में- 5-6 कार्यदिवस में उनकी राशि उनके बैंक खाते में हस्तांतरित कर दी जाएगी।
2) रेलयात्री ई वोलेट, वोडाफ़ोन एम पैसा एवं पेटीएम से भुगतान करने पर-2 कार्यदिवस में राशि रेलयात्री ई वोलेट, वोडाफ़ोन एम पैसा एवं पेटीएम में हस्तांतरित कर दी जाएगी।
जी हाँ, यूजर द्वारा बुक किए गए फ़ूड के आर्डर रेलयात्री वेब पेज एवं एप्प से कम से कम 2 घंटे पहले करना अनिवार्य है। यदि कोई यूजर अपने आर्डर निर्धारित रेलवे स्टेशन से 1 घंटे पूर्व कैंसिल करना चाहता है तो उसे दिए गए नंबर 8137813700 पर कॉल कर सूचित करना होगा।
नोट: 1 घंटे पूर्व रेलयात्री वेब पेज एवं एप्प से आर्डर कैंसिल नहीं किया जा सकता।जी हां, डेबिट/कैडिट कार्ड या ऑनलाइन बैंकिंग सेवा के द्वारा बुक किए गए फ़ूड आर्डर की कैंसिलेशन पेमेंट किसी ई वॉलेट में मंगवाई जा सकती है। मगर ई वॉलेट सेवा द्वारा बुक की गयी टिकट की रिफंड पेमेंट यूजर के बैंक खाते में हस्तांतरित नहीं की जा सकती।
यूजर रेलयात्री वॉलेट में प्राप्त भुगतान राशि रेलयात्री की किसी भी सःशुल्क सेवाओं के भुगतान (फ़ूड, बस टिकट बुकिंग एवं ट्रेवल स्टोर) के लिए कर सकता है।
जी नहीं, यदि यूजर द्वारा अपनी किसी भी प्रकार की बुकिंग को कैंसिल करत है तो बुकिंग के दौरान उसे मिले ऑफर/ डिस्काउंट का कोई लाभ नहीं मिलेगा एवं भुगतान की हुई राशि की गणना बेस प्राइज के अनुसार की जाएगी।
रेलयात्री से बुक टिकट्स को इसके एप्प या वेब पेज की सहायता से कैंसिल किया जा सकता है।
जी हां, रेलयात्री के एप्प से बुक की गयी टिकट्स को वेबसाइट के माध्यम से एवं वेबसाइट से बुक की गयी टिकट्स को एप्प के द्वारा कैंसिल किया जा सकता है। इसका विवरण नीचे उपलब्ध है।
जी हां, रेलयात्री यूजर्स सुबह 9 बजे से रात्रि 9 बजे के बीच टिकट कैंसिलेशन संबंधी आवेदन कर सकते है।
यूजर अपने स्तर से कैंसिलेशन संबंधी आवेदन कर सकता है किन्तु वह निर्धारित समय 9 से 9 के बीच ही मान्य होगा।
जी हां, इसके लिए यात्री को प्रथम चार्ट बनने के 3 घंटे पूर्व कैंसिलेशन संबंधी आवेदन करना अनिवार्य है।
जी नहीं, वेटिंग लिस्ट टिकट स्वतः आई आर सी टी सी के द्वारा कैंसिल कर दिए जाते हैं।
टिकट बनवाने के लिए यूजर ई वॉलेट जैसे कि पे-टीएम, वोडाफ़ोन एम पैसा डेबिट/कैडिट कार्ड के अलावा ऑनलाइन बैकिंग सेवा के द्वारा पेमेंट कर सकते है।
यहां यह बात महत्वपूर्ण है कि टिकट बनवाते समय यूजर द्वारा किस माध्यम से पेमेंट की गई थी।
किसी भी पेमेंट गेटवे के द्वारा की गई बुकिंग के कैसिलेशन का आवेदन प्राप्त होने के तुरंत बाद रेलयात्री द्वारा रिफंड संबंधी प्रक्रिया आरंभ कर दी जाती है। इसमें 2-3 कार्यदिवस लग सकते है।
यदि यूजर ने डेबिट/कैडिट कार्ड या ऑनलाइन बैंकिग सेवा के द्वारा पेमेंट की थी तब उनकी जमा वापस आने में रिफंड संबंधी प्रक्रिया के 2-3 कार्यदिवस के अलावा 7 कार्यदिवस में उनके खाते में हस्तांतरित कर दी जाएगी।
नोट: यहाँ ये समझना ज़रूरी है कि पेमेंट रिफंड की पूरी प्रक्रिया में (एजेंट, पेमेंट गेटवे एवं बैंकिंग) की सभी प्रक्रिया सम्मिलित है। ऐसे में प्रक्रिया पूर्ण होने में औसतन 10 कार्यदिवस लग सकते है।जी नहीं, डेबिट/कैडिट कार्ड या ऑनलाइन बैंकिंग सेवा के द्वारा बुक की गयी टिकट की कैंसिलेशन पेमेंट बुकिंग के समय उपयोग किये गए डेबिट/कैडिट कार्ड या ऑनलाइन बैंकिंग सेवा माध्यम के अलावा सिर्फ रेलयात्री ई वॉलेट में मंगवाई जा सकती है। /p>
जी हाँ, आप रेलयात्री इंस्टेंट रिफंड सर्विस के द्वारा अपनी रिफंड पेमेंट (एन ई एफ टी) सेवा एवं रेलयात्री ई वॉलेट के द्वारा प्राप्त कर सकते है।
जी हाँ,
रेलयात्री वॉलेट में मंगवाई गई राशि पर यूजर को 20 रू अधिक रेलयात्री द्वारा दिए जाते है।
यूजर रेलयात्री वॉलेट में प्राप्त अतिरिक्त २० रूपये का का भुगतान रेलयात्री की किसी भी सःशुल्क सेवाओं के भुगतान (फ़ूड, बस टिकट बुकिंग एवं ट्रेवल स्टोर) के लिए कर सकता है।
जी हाँ, अपने रेलयात्री वॉलेट में कैसिलेशन टिकट की राशि प्राप्त करने के लिए यूजर को सुबह 9 बजे से रात्रि 9 बजे के बीच किसी भी कार्यदिवस में आवेदन देना होगा
जी नहीं, रेलयात्री वॉलेट में प्राप्त राशि को किसी अन्य बैंक खाते आदि में हस्तांतरित नहीं किया जा सकता
जी नहीं, यूजर रेलयात्री वॉलेट में रखी गयी राशि का कभी भी उपयोग कर सकता है।
जी नहीं, यदि यूजर द्वारा अपनी किसी भी प्रकार की बुकिंग को कैंसिल करता है तो बुकिंग के दौरान उसे मिले ऑफर/ डिस्काउंट का कोई लाभ नहीं मिलेगा एवं भुगतान की हुई राशि की गणना बेस प्राइज के अनुसार की जाएगी।
टिकट कैंसिल करने पर यूजर के द्वारा भुगतान की गयी पेमेंट में से आई आर सी टी सी के नियमों के अनुसार कैंसिलेशन चार्जेस के अलावा 20 रुपए रेलयात्री सेवा द्वारा काटे जाएँगे।
तकनीकी कारणों से यदि आपकी टिकट बुक नहीं होती किन्तु पेमेंट खाते से कट जाती है तो 24 घंटे के भीतर रेलयात्री द्वारा स्वयं ही आपके खाते में पैसे वापस भेज दिए जाते है। किन्तु यदि फिर भी इससे सम्बंधित कोई जानकारी आपको नहीं मिलती तब आप रेलयात्री को [email protected] पर ईमेल कर संपर्क कर सकते है।
नोट: आपसे अनुरोध है की ऐसी परिस्थिति में कुछ समय प्रतीक्षा कर ट्रांजेशन की पुष्टि कर ले।रेलयात्री से बुक टिकट्स को इसके एप्प या वेब पेज की सहायता से कैंसिल किया जा सकता है।
जी हां, रेलयात्री के एप्प से बुक की गयी टिकट्स को वेबसाइट के माध्यम से एवं वेबसाइट से बुक की गयी टिकट्स को एप्प के द्वारा कैंसिल किया जा सकता है। इसका विवरण नीचे उपलब्ध है।
यूजर के द्वारा अपनी टिकट्स रद्द करने के बाद रेलयात्री द्वारा तुरंत ही उसकी कैसिलेशान प्रक्रिया शुरू कर दी जाती है। पेमेंट रिफंड के लिए यहाँ ये बात महत्वपूर्ण है की टिकट बुकिंग के लिए डेबिट/क्रेडिट कार्ड या ऑनलाइन बैंकिंग के अलावा (रेलयात्री, वोडाफ़ोन एम पैसा एवं पेटीएम ई वोलेट) किस पेमेंट सेवा के द्वारा पेमेंट अदा की गयी थी।
यदि यूजर ने टिकट्स डेबिट/क्रेडिट कार्ड ऑनलाइन बैंकिंग सेवा के द्वारा की थी तो सरकारी बैंकों द्वारा 5 दिनों एवं निजी बैंकों द्वारा 10 कार्यदिवस में पेमेंट यूजर के बैंक खाते में हस्तांतरित हो जाएगी।
यदि यूजर ने टिकट्स रेलयात्री ई वॉलेट, वोडाफ़ोन एम पैसा एवं पेटीएम के द्वारा बुक की थी तो उसकी रिफंड पेमेंट टिकट कैंसिलेशन के 24 घंटे में या 1 कार्यदिवस के भीतर ही उसके ई वालेट में हस्तांतरित कर दी जाएगी।
जी हाँ, आप रेलयात्री इंस्टेंट रिफंड सर्विस के द्वारा अपनी रिफंड पेमेंट (एन ई एफ टी) सेवा एवं रेलयात्री ई वॉलेट के द्वारा प्राप्त कर सकते है।
नोट: रेलयात्री आपको इंस्टेंट रिफंड सर्विस (एन ई एफ टी) के लिए इसलिए सुझाव देता है क्योंकि बैंकिंग प्रणाली में आपको आपका रिफंड न्यूनतम 5 दिनों में ही मिल पता है।जी हाँ- रेलयात्री एप्प के द्वारा
टिकट कैंसिलेशन करने पर यूजर की पेमेंट से कोई राशि काटी जाएगी या नहीं एवं यदि काटी जाएगी तो कितनी राशि प्रति टिकट के हिसाब से काटी जाएगी, ये बस ऑपरेटर की कैंसिलेशन पॉलिसी पर निर्भर करता है। बस ऑपरेटर की टिकट कैंसिलेशन पॉलिसी को समझने के लिए रेलयात्री द्वारा टिकट बुकिंग के ईमेल में साथ आये पी डी एफ फाइल को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़े।
नोट : बस ऑपरेटर की पॉलिसी पूर्णत उसके अधिकार क्षेत्र में है, रेलयात्री द्वारा इसमें किसी प्रकार का कोई हस्तक्षेप नहीं किया जा सकता।यदि बस की सेवा बस ऑपरेटर के द्वारा रद्द कर दी जाती है तो यूजर को अपनी बस सेवा के रद्द होने की जानकारी रेलयात्री को देनी होगी। रेलयात्री द्वारा बस ऑपरेटर से इस बात की पुष्टि करने के बाद यूजर को पेमेंट रिफंड की प्रक्रिया शुरू कर दी जाएगी इसमें औसतन 10 दिनों का समय “कार्यदिवस” लग सकते है।
यदि यात्रा मार्ग में बस की सेवा किसी कारणवश बाधित हो जाती है तो ऐसी अवस्था में यूजर को कितनी पेमेंट मिलेगी या नहीं मिलेगी। यह मौजूदा स्थति एवं बस ऑपरेटर की बुकिंग पॉलिसी पर निर्भर करता है।
जी हां, डेबिट/कैडिट कार्ड ई वॉलेट या ऑनलाइन बैंकिंग सेवा के द्वारा बुक की गयी टिकट की कैंसिलेशन पेमेंट रेलयात्री ई वॉलेट में मंगवाई जा सकती है। वहीँ अन्य प्रकार के ई वॉलेट सेवा द्वारा बुक की गयी टिकट की रिफंड पेमेंट उनके बुकिंग के समय उपयोग में लाए गए ई वॉलेट में ही हस्तांतरित की जा सकती।
जी हाँ, एक ही बुकिंग आर्डर पर बुक की गयी अनेक टिकटों में से एक या कुछ को आंशिक रूप से कैंसिल किया जा सकता है। ऐसा करने के लिए यूजर को बस बुकिंग टीम को दी गयी ईमेल आईडी [email protected] पर ईमेल कर सूचित करना होगा। साथ ही इस प्रकार की कैंसिलेशन सेवा बस ऑपरेटर की पॉलिसी पर भी निर्भर करती है।
तकनीकी कारणों से यदि आपकी टिकट बुक नहीं होती किन्तु पेमेंट खाते से कट जाती है तो 24 घंटे के भीतर रेलयात्री द्वारा स्वयं ही आपके खाते में पैसे वापस भेज दिए जाते है। किन्तु यदि फिर भी इससे सम्बंधित कोई जानकारी आपको नहीं मिलती तब आप रेलयात्री को [email protected] पर ईमेल कर संपर्क कर सकते है।
नोट: आपसे अनुरोध है की ऐसी परिस्थिति में कुछ समय प्रतीक्षा कर ट्रांजेशन की पुष्टि कर ले।यूजर रेलयात्री वॉलेट में प्राप्त भुगतान राशि रेलयात्री की किसी भी सःशुल्क सेवाओं के भुगतान (फ़ूड, बस बस टिकट बुकिंग एवं ट्रेवल स्टोर) के लिए कर सकता है।
जी नहीं, यदि यूजर द्वारा अपनी किसी भी प्रकार की बुकिंग को कैंसिल करत है तो बुकिंग के दौरान उसे मिले ऑफर/ डिस्काउंट का कोई लाभ नहीं मिलेगा एवं भुगतान की हुई राशि की गणना बेस प्राइज के अनुसार की जाएगी।
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