09:45 PM Bangalore (Bengaluru)
05:20 AM Coimbatore
Q) How can I check seat availability on the UDAY Express (22665) train?
A) 1. Visit Railyatri seat availability result page.
2. Enter the train name or number and click on 'View Seats'.
3. You can now view the coach vise list on seat availability for different dates.
RailYatri offers affordable IRCTC fares and advanced seat reservations. Reserve the best seats in good time!
Q) How can I check tatkal seat availability in UDAY Express (22665) train?
A) Railyatri provides you with the quickest and accurate information on train seat availability. All you need to do is:
1. Visit UDAY Express (22665) seat availability result page.
2. Select your train seat availability quota in the Tatkal category.
3. Voila! ... you are done.
Q) How many coaches does the UDAY Express (22665) train usually have?
A) UDAY Express train is a super fast train that runs from KSR BENGALURU to COIMBATORE JN stations. It usually has a total of 25 coaches, spread across CC, 2S
Q) Do I need to know the station code while checking the seat availability of UDAY Express (22665) ?
A) No. Worry not! As when you enter the station name on the RailYatri seat availability page, you will see a dropdown list with all the relevant station names and codes. Select your preferred station from this list.
Q) Does the RailYatri seat availability feature give details of all seat types on the UDAY Express (22665) train?
A) RailYatri provides information on all the available seat types. This helps travelers plan their trips well in advance without any confusion!
Q) What is the ticket fare of seat reservation on the UDAY Express (22665) train?
A) The fare of seat reservation on the UDAY Express (22665) train starts from Rs 625. Visit RailYatri.in and stay updated on all Indian Railway trains.
Q) How can I check the live train status of UDAY Express (22665) ?
A) The running train status of Indian Railway trains means the current location of any train and it’s real time delay status. Through live train status, we inform you about the estimated arrival time of the train at the upcoming stops. Check the live train running status of IRCTC train 'UDAY Express (22665)' on the go!
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